Wednesday 30 January 2019

Off we go....

Hello world,

So.… I'm flying to India tomorrow.


I am so excited!! But today I am feeling quite scared. Don't get me wrong, this is an incredible opportunity, and I know that God is always with me and will uphold and strengthen me. It's just that this is a really big step of faith for me, and is quite daunting. I have only been on one airplane my entire life, and it was a school trip. Because of that we were pretty much ushered through the airport, and honestly I've repressed a lot of it. I really don't like airports. I'm fine with flying, just not airports. So once i'm on the plane I should be all set.

I really cannot wait to be there. To experience a new culture, so different from my own, to make new friends and learn about different ways of serving, and just to serve God. I'm also really glad I get to skip the coldness of February and March. I am constantly cold, so this is a big relief for me.

I'm not really sure what else to tell you. I haven't blogged in January, because honestly I haven't really done anything worth blogging about, but it has really encouraged me the amount of people who have asked whether I will be keeping up with these blogs. It means so much that there are people who are following and supporting me along this journey, and I am so grateful for all of you, whether I know you or not.

I guess i'll update you when I arrive!

all my love,


'So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing' 1 Thessalonians 5:11

After the whirlwind

Hello World, So... it's been a while, huh? For those of you who have been following me and supporting me on this journey, i'm so ...